Don't Bail Out!

    I've noticed much negativity recently, due to the Amiga's situation.
 People are giving up because of the time it has taken to resolve the C=
 buyout.  Many people are alarmed and have every right to be.  I also
 have even felt a little nervous about this situation that we have been
 stuck with.
    The Amiga is a great computer.  It is superior to all other PCs on
 the market.  Yes, Commodore is gone, you must accept it.  Two (or more
 -Josh) companies are fighting over Commodore and the Amiga,  so I don't
 see a problem in future support.  The lack of support right now is no
 reason to bail out on the Amiga.  Once everthing is settled, we will
 probably have more support than we had in the past, since the company will
 no longer be run by idiots.

    Now, to  anyone considering jumping ship and buying an PC or Macintosh,
 I suggest that you to go to the store or a friend's house and just really
 use one.  They are not at all comparable to Amigas and you will not want
 to switch.  Macs do not have a command line interface (e.g. DOS -Josh)
 included with them, and PCs have no real GUI to speak of.  Consider that
 before you make a rash decision that you will regret.

    If you must have more support, buy a PC or an Emplant.  The Emplant 
 board runs Macintosh software at a very usable speed.  This is on my 4000
 of course, but I've been told that it also works well on other machines  
 The Emplant is a great alternative.  If you absolutely need a PC, your 
 best bet is to buy a no-name PC as they are dirt cheap.  Just don't
 get rid of your Amiga; you will regret it in the long run. 

    My suggestion to every Amiga user is to give it a little more time.
 You will be glad that you did.  The Commodore bankruptcy will get settled,
 When it is, the Amiga will return to its spot of greatness in the computer
 market and restore the confidence of the developers.

                                         Roy Milican
                                      Technical Editor
                                Proud owner of an Amiga 4000
                               Embarrassed owner of a Pentium.

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